Community #6: Hightech Inkubator (HTI) Digital GreenTech
WANTED! Founders with sustainable, digital ideas
Das DIGIT sucht Hightech-Innovationen im Bereich Digital GreenTech!

For the upcoming high-tech incubator Digital GreenTech, the Center for Digital Technologies (DIGIT) and the August-Wilhelm Scheer Institute are looking for founders who want to shape the future with sustainable, digital innovations. Whether individual founders, teams of founders or young companies - everyone who is planning a startup project in the field of GreenTech in Lower Saxony is called upon.
The future founders will also come from the DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES study program.
In the digitization projects of the DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES study program, innovative ideas with startup maturity are created every semester. The high-tech incubator gives students the opportunity to start their own startup directly after graduation. Thus, the HTI Digital GreenTech is a perfect complement to the innovative study program.
Up to 200,000 euros per team
Within the framework of HTI Digital GreenTech, teams and individual founders from all over Germany are supported in the field of digitalization and sustainability. With this funding, the state of Lower Saxony aims to accompany and accelerate the founding of new high-tech companies in Lower Saxony and thus promote the future viability of Lower Saxony as a business location. If the assessment is successful, funding of 2,000 euros per month per founder (if the founder has completed his or her studies, or 1,000 euros if he or she has completed vocational training) is available for a period of up to 24 months, as well as financial subsidies for additional costs totaling 100,000 euros.
Application deadline March 20, 2022
Apply by emailing a pitch deck directly through the Center for Digital Technologies (DIGIT) to The application deadline is March 20, 2022. Further information about the program and the application can be found at:
Contact for the program:
TU Clausthal Center for Digital Technologies
Sebastian Lawrenz
Tel: +49 (0) 5323 72 7176
Press Contact:
TU Clausthal Center for Digital Technologies
Marika Scholz
Marketing & Communications
Tel: +49 (0) 5321 3816 8252